Wednesday, May 2, 2012

About a Boy - XBox 360

Once upon a time there was a boy. The boy loved playing video games. He loved playing his PS3 with all his on-line friends, but he wanted something new. He wanted an XBox 360. He had saved up enough money to buy a new gaming system, a few games and even had enough money left over to buy a year of XBox Live Gold Membership. Now he just needed time. He was in the middle of a very difficult term in school. He was doing very well, but his every free moment was spent studying. There was no time for gaming and he was sick of it. The light at the end of the tunnel was that as soon as the term was up he was going to buy his XBox! Well, time passed, the term ended, and the boy survived (and even got excellent grades!). As soon as he got home from school the last day of the term the boy went to the store and bought his XBox. He was so happy.

This was the first time I've had a chance to play with Tiffany Tillman's This Week Templates. What fun! Gotta love 'em! ... And then, what a find to have Echo Park's A Boy's Life papers and that awesome controller in the elements packs - what a find!
Click here for a full list of credits.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you mixed the text with orange on this, perfect!
