It was super important for me to document this unexpected period in my life. Change is good and if I don't document the details I won't remember them!
Journaling reads:
My job of 19 years at Thomas Bird & Associates came to an end. My last day was May 11. Before my job ended I accepted a position at Fredrikson & Byron in Minneapolis. Scott & I decided I should take the summer off so I scheduled an August 20 start date (I later pushed it back to the 27th). I don’t remember if taking the summer off was Scott’s idea or mine but he was super supportive of the idea. I LOVED EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of my 15+ week sabbatical. I kept super busy & it went far too fast. I got up early every morning but rather than going to work I went for long bike rides, took Maggie for walks, gardened, grocery shopped (Who knew? Grocery shopping & gardening aren't terrible when you're not rushed!), read books, had lunch with friends, visited mom up north, went to Europe, & planned & cooked healthy & delicious meals. One important goal for me this summer was after graduation to spend time with Lauren before her trip to Europe & after she returned from Europe to hang out with her & help her prepare for her move to college. The summer of 2018 was FANTASTIC! I had not planned for this job change (I thought I'd retire from the firm) but they say that when life gives you lemons make lemonade . . . and I sure did!

Karla Noel Design: Life 365 (a retired kit - which I'm sad to say because it's a go-to and one of my favorite kits!)